Friday, September 28, 2007

Fall Revival

On October 14, 2007 we will begin our Fall revival meeting at HGBC. I am very pleased to introduce you to Rev. Jason Webb. Jason and his wife Alison are very close friends of Melissa and me. Jason and I met at North Greenville College, now North Greenville University, in 1995. We were both religion majors, and we both graduated Thank the Lord!

Jason graduated in the December of 1997 and I graduated in May of 1998. He immediately went on to pursue a Master of Divinity at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. I followed suite in 1999, after a year off from school. We both graduated with Master of Divinity degrees with a special focus in biblical counseling in May of 2005. During those years of seminary, we both married and began pastoring full time.

Jason and Alison just had their first child, a boy, on September 1 of this year. They are so excited. (I remember quite well, the very moment Morgan was born.) I can't wait to meet little "cobb" Webb, I mean Jacob.

Please make plans to attend if you are in the area and if it is at all possible. I believe God has great things in store during these days at HGBC. I can't wait to see what God does next. Blessings on you all.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

1 comment:

Life Changes said...


Im excited about our fall Revival. Starting up this Sunday Morning, Im looking forward in hearing a nighttly mesaage from Jason Webb. your good friend that you met while you were in seminary, back about 12 years ago. God will bless Hickory Grove Baptist Church. each night of a great Revival Service each nightly...

May God Bless
for our Revival Starting Sunday
See Ya Soon..
Scotty Smith