Friday, September 28, 2007

Fall Revival

On October 14, 2007 we will begin our Fall revival meeting at HGBC. I am very pleased to introduce you to Rev. Jason Webb. Jason and his wife Alison are very close friends of Melissa and me. Jason and I met at North Greenville College, now North Greenville University, in 1995. We were both religion majors, and we both graduated Thank the Lord!

Jason graduated in the December of 1997 and I graduated in May of 1998. He immediately went on to pursue a Master of Divinity at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. I followed suite in 1999, after a year off from school. We both graduated with Master of Divinity degrees with a special focus in biblical counseling in May of 2005. During those years of seminary, we both married and began pastoring full time.

Jason and Alison just had their first child, a boy, on September 1 of this year. They are so excited. (I remember quite well, the very moment Morgan was born.) I can't wait to meet little "cobb" Webb, I mean Jacob.

Please make plans to attend if you are in the area and if it is at all possible. I believe God has great things in store during these days at HGBC. I can't wait to see what God does next. Blessings on you all.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


FPU is Financial Peace University. It is a Christian perspective on finance. It is lead by Dave Ramsey.

We are beginning this 13 week life changing class tonight. I am facilitating as part of our ongoing discipleship/small group program at HGBC. There are 5 or 6 of us taking the class this time. I am somewhat disappointed in the lack of participation for the inaugural class, but I am sure more people will participate in future classes offered. I pray that people from outside the church will hear about this class and participate as well.

If you know of someone, including yourself, who needs to have a better understanding of godly, biblical finance, this is the class for it. I would also encourage anyone in the area to get plugged in to one of our small groups at HGBC.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike
Rom. 5:8

Monday, September 24, 2007

Back Already

Vacation is over. We are back home. The Gators won. Life is good.

We had a great time away as a family this past week. We went to Daytona Beach, and it was beautiful. It rained 3 days while we were there, but that is OK because we were together as a family and we were able to "chill." I needed that as much as anything.

Today we celebrated Homecoming at HGBC. We had an awesome crowd. If you missed it, you missed a blessing. My parents were here to help with the service. She sang and my dad preached. They both did an excellent job. Ferrill Mills, a former pastor, was suppose to preach, but health problems kept him from coming. It was good to have my parents here, and we are looking forward to spending a few days together.

I pray that God has blessed you this past week and that His hand is evident in your life.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Vacation Bound

I just got home from the Association Executive Committee Meeting. (Just what I needed, another business meeting. But it is a necessary part of my responsibilities.) It has been a long week already. This is the third night in a row that I walked through the doors of my home past 9pm. But tomorrow is a beautiful thing. Tomorrow we leave on vacation for 8 days. We can't wait and its been a long time coming.

I will periodically check the blog and my email, but other than that I will be off limits to everyone but Melissa and Morgan. What a blessing it will be. Take care and God bless. Stay close and clean.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

"Steppin' on my Toes" (Part 2)

God is good, all the time, but sometimes He can really drive home a point. After posting earlier today, I was reading my devotional book "Daily with the King" by W. Glyn Evans. I got behind by a couple of days so I was reading the devotion for August 30. I am going to post it now. I pray God speaks to you as He is dealing with me.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

Title: "Loving an Enemy"

Romans 12:19 "Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,' says the Lord."

David gives me an example of how to love my enemies. He called the man who persistently tried to kill him "beloved and lovely" (2 Sam. 1:23). My enemy is not an irritating neighbor, a bitter-tongued boss, or a person of different skin color and speech. My enemy is, as David's was, anyone who stands in the way of doing God's will. As long as Saul was alive, David could not mount the throne of Israel. Saul's death, therefore, was David's life. Yet not once would David make any effort of his own to remove the obstacle to his kingship.

To love an enemy is the ultimate end in the negation of ambition and desire. To love an enemy is to accept his hindrance as part of God's purpose, to be serene toward him, and to realize that his hindrance, like that of Judas, is only leading to ultimate victory.

The natural man fights his enemy. He tries to remove him as an obstacle by doing him physical harm, even death. War is a full-scale display of the natural man determined to have his way. The shallowness of that way of acting is that for every enemy I destroy, ten more arise. The only way I can "conquer" my enemy is to love him. That does not mean that I "like" him; it simply means that I have good will toward him, that I place him in God's hands for disposition, and that I yearn for his ultimate spiritual blessing in Christ.

The disciple of Jesus Christ is the only person who can afford to have enemies, because he knows how to treat them. Doing the will of Christ means I will never lack enemies, but I will never lack the support of Him of whom 1 Corinthians 13 is a perfect description. As I trust Him who is perfect love, He will work out that perfect love through me.

Steppin' on My Toes

I was just reading a post from a good friend of mine, John McLamb. John and his family are in Costa Rica at the moment in language school with the IMB. They will head to Bolivia when they are through in Costa Rica.

At church this past Sunday the pastor was preaching on marriage. You can read John's clog at But the pastor concluded his message with these 6 questions. They stepped on my toes, as a father. What did they do to yours?

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

(Below is a quote from John's post which contain the 6 questions.)

While I missed much he said, I did manage to get these six challenging questions that he shared at the end of the message (Jen helped me get them and I went after the service and he helped me with one we missed). The questions are geared only to dads as we are to be the leaders of our family’s. Here they are:

What habits am I teaching my family? (ie- if I smoke, what am I teaching my family to do?; if I read my Bible, what am I teaching them?)

What bad habits am I correcting at home? (no one is perfect, so in what areas am I demonstrating humility and growth?)

How often am I teaching them from God’s Word? (’nuff said!)

What do I say when I’m angry? (What am I living out before my family when it really matters.)

What time do I spend talking with my kids about biblical truths (see Deut. 6:4-9)

How honest am I in answering these questions? (ouch!)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Suns Game

This past Friday night twenty-eight people from HGBC went to the Jacksonville Suns Game. It was a great family time. We laughed together, ate together, and just had a blast. The Suns lost the game, but that's OK. We still had a great time.

After the game there was an amazing fireworks show. It's one of the best I've seen in a long time. And after the fireworks there was a Christian concert by Mark Schultz.

I had a great time, hope you did too. If you missed it, make sure to plan to go on the next trip. Have a great day.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike