Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pastor's Conference and Convention 07

There is a saying that I have repeated many times as I stand preaching God's Word, "God is good all the time and all the time God is good." That statement sums up my feelings about the last 30 hours or so. Between last night and today I have heard 9 sermons from some of the finest preachers in Florida and beyond. You might think that would be an awful way to spend the day, but it is a precious time with the Lord.

God has spoken to my heart through many different songs, messages and times during the last day and half. I am so thankful that God is still alive and well, that He still cares for me. I am glad He cares for you, but I am overwhelmed He cares for me. Thank you God for loving me! Thank you God for extending Your calling on my life. What a privilege it is to serve You!

God thank you that you are Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. Thank you that you are the God who makes the bitter sweet (Ex. 15:22-26). God thank you for being El Shaddi, the great almighty God. God thank you for being the Great I am. I love you Lord.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

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