Friday, April 25, 2008

What a week!

Man, I want to thank Nate Kelley and Hubert Hughes for taking me to the Gulf of Mexico fishing for a couple of days. (Morgan and Melissa are in NC.) It was such a peaceful and relaxing time. They also let me :)~ catch more fish, keepers that is. But I promise not to say anything from the pulpit Sunday. I caught a 22" red fish; right smack dab in the middle of the slot limit. I caught two flounder and 8 or 9 speckled trout that were keepers. If the minimum size limit on trout was 12"rather than 15" the boat wouldn't have held them all. But we did bring some beautiful fillets home. Can't wait to fire up the grease.

I'm looking forward to Saturday also. It's Eric Rendell's birthday and 8 of us are going on an offshore fishing trip. I have been deep-sea fishing several times, but never like this, on a private charter. Can't wait to see what bites a hook at 150' deep.

I have been in the office the last two days preparing for Sunday. I am looking forward to finishing the three part series on "In the Last Days" from Mark 13. Sunday morning we will look at what we are to be doing until the "time" comes. Then on Sunday night we will begin Mark 14, specifically studying v. 1-9. It's the story of Mary and her alabaster box. Can't wait to see what we are willing to give to Jesus after that message. In between those two sermons I will be sharing with our mission team to Honduras about the "vital vision" we must have in serving God. Looking forward to that as well.

Hope your week has been as good as mine! Melissa, come home soon. I miss you and Morgan.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

1 comment:

Life Changes said...


Two fishing trips in row. with Mr Kelly, More fish you are catching from the gulf. Batter up them you have caught. fire up that deep frier cook up some fish. Its that time again for our July Fish Fry Fellowship, Glad we have got two
best men in our church, Who Loves
Catching up mess of Good Fish.
Im glad that you went with the
men, its gives you a Mini Vacation from your studies. I like to see you do this more often,

See ya Sunday
Scotty S.