Monday, April 28, 2008

From Death to Life

I want you to know that I had church in my office long before we had our service yesterday morning. A little girl named Kim was brought to my office because she had prayed to receive Jesus Christ as her personal Savior last week as a result of our children's ministry; her mother and older sister were with her. After talking with Kim about the decision she made and making sure to the best of my ability that she understood what she had done and why she needed to do it, we talked for a few minutes about baptism. When that part of the conversation was over, I looked at Kim's mom and asked her about her personal relationship with the Lord and if she had ever been saved, and she said she had been saved since she was a teenager. (One thing is for sure, she heard the gospel more than once in my office.) I then turned to Kim's older sister Michelle and asked her about her spiritual condition, and without hesitating she said, "I want to be saved!" I went through the gospel once more and talked with her about her need for a Savior, and right here in my office a dead person was made alive through the power of shed blood of Jesus. Michelle got saved. I was so excited. I can't wait to see those two precious young ladies publicly identify with Christ as the baptismal waters are stirred. Just thought I would share that with you today.

"Get all excited, go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is King..."
Pastor Mike

1 comment:

Life Changes said...


with the ladies you spoken with in your office. god is spreading his message in he lives of others, each of your blogs. I have been reading from you, more and more people are coming forward in accepting christ in there lives. the word your sharing, people are
coming closer!!!!

HGBC Member