Friday, February 29, 2008

UPWARD Celebration Tonight

I am so excited about the UPWARD Celebration tonight at HGBC. We had a great season, and I know God has impacted the lives of the children and their families. I pray they saw Christ in us and everything which took place. I know tonight will be no different. We have a great program lined up. Darrell Barry, an illusionist, will be performing and doing a gospel presentation. I am praying that we will experience a soul harvest this evening. Please be praying.

I also want to ask you to pray for two people whom I had the opportunity to witness to this week: Louis and Melissa. Each of them is seeking God, one told me he accepted Christ as his personal Savior this past week and just wanted some answers to some questions he is having, while the other knows she is lost but wasn't ready to make a decision for Christ yet. Please pray for them that God will meet them right where they are and that they will each run to Jesus.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"And I stand in awe of You"

The title of today's post comes from the lyrics of a song by Philips, Craig and Dean. It pretty well sums up my heart towards our Heavenly Father this week. God rocks! He is up to something spectacular at HGBC. The Holy Spirit is moving in powerful ways. There is liberty in His presence. All I can say is "We've been havin' some church round here."

God is blessing and the church is growing. We had the best attendance this past Sunday that we have had since I came here in Nov. '05. We had 153 in SS and 279 in worship. "Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Amen."

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Is Revival Coming?

That question is difficult to answer. We are having a meeting that we call revival March 16-19, but does having a meeting for 4 days constitute revival? For me the answer is a big fat NO! Revival is not guarnteed at any time. Is revival even a New Testament thing? Again I think the answer is no. You can read it over and over again and you will never find the word revival in the New Testament. It is an Old Testament concept so I believe it is still applicable to the church, TODAY.

I believe that revival comes when God's people get right with God concerning their sin. That means that repentance takes place in our hearts before a Holy God. Revival is a time of renewal and refreshing. A time when God reminds you and I of His rightful place in our lives and we actually listen and respond to Him in a positive, forward moving way. It is a time when God's children grow up a little, ie... spiritual maturity.

Are you up for some revival? Are you up for some repentance? Are you up for some growth? Are you ready to put God "in His place?" First place, that is, in your life. I am. See you at the meeting.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike