Wednesday, January 23, 2008


It is so easy to get caught up in going to a worship service that we forget to worship. It happens when we become complacent with what we are and who's we are. I struggle with it more than you know, especially when I am trying to focus on the message I am to deliver.

But the last two weeks have been awesome times of worship. People have actually been worshipping in ways that are uncommon at HGBC: lifting hands, shouting, weeping, other words God showed up in a special, powerful way. We left truly saying "I was glad when they said to me 'let us go to the house of the Lord'."

I can't wait to see and experience what God has in store for us this coming Sunday. I encourage you to come check it out.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

1 comment:

Life Changes said...


Im glad to the see the Holy Spirit moving in our midst,of our worship service. god is truly speaking to our hearts, as he seek his powerful word coming from hearing you preach out from the pulpit. praising his name in Christ.

His Name
Scotty S.