Sunday, July 08, 2007

World Changers 07

Well it is Sunday afternoon in Durham, NC. We arrived safely yesterday and had an uneventful evening, meaning no tragedy's, etc... We had several meetings and a worship service. (There are 336 people here this week serving others in the Durham area. What a privilege it is to "allow Jesus to live all over again this week."

We got up about 6 AM this morning, got ready for church and had breakfast. We had one big group photo at 8:45 and then each church had a picture taken. We met our "crew members" for the week. At World Changers they separate youth groups to "stretch" them and help them to learn to adapt to different situations, which is a hard but good thing for teenagers. We went to church this morning with our crews. It was a good experience and a time for us to get to know each other before we start working in the morning. We went to the church who is sponsoring our crew for the week. This basically means that they are providing us with lunch every day. They had lunch for us today, and it was good!!! Can't wait to see what the rest of the week has in store.

After lunch each crew went to its job site to check things out. My crew is working on Naomi Evans house this week. (We are working through the Durham Housing Authority.) The materials we need aren't there yet, but I know God will pr0vide all we need to get the job done; that's just the kind of God He is. You ought to get to know Him, it could change your life. We finished there and are now back at Southern High School in Durham. There are several meetings today followed by supper and worship, and then it's off to bed, the day starts at 5:30 AM and we leave for work by 7 AM. Pray for us, not many here are already on that schedule. Pray that God will teach us "flexibility."

Until next time:
Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

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