Tuesday, July 03, 2007

VBS 2007

Well Vacation Bible School has come and gone here at HGBC, but what a great VBS it was. We had kids comin' out our ears, and God blessed beyond measure. First of all we had record attendance each night. On Sunday night we had 80 kids and over 50 workers. Each night after only saw an increase in the attendance of the kids, to the point that on Thursday night we saw 120 kids come through the doors. We had to average over 110 kids for the week, doubling our attendance from a year ago. "And all God's children said 'Amen'!"

But that is not the greatest event of the week. The family night on Friday was a huge success. Most of the kids came back and brought their families with them. They sang great and we laughed, ate and just had a wonderful time. There were some amazing prizes given away: tickets the Jacksonville Suns baseball games, tickets to Adventure Landing, etc... (Karen Brown did an amazing job of getting the prizes together and organizing VBS this year. Thanks Karen for a job well done.)

But Friday night was not the greatest event of the week, it wasn't recreation, music time, craft time, or snack time. The greatest thing that happened during VBS last week was 10 precious kids prayed to receive Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. "And all God children said, 'Amen'!" What a privilege it was for me to be able to present the Gospel to the kids from each class and see them respond to the invitation of eternal life through Christ Jesus.

I would ask that you pray for these kids, we will be going into their homes this Thursday night to talk with them and their families about this decision and about baptism. Pray that God would guide these conversations and that Jesus Christ would be exalted beyond measure. God bless you.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike
Rom. 5:8

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