Monday, June 04, 2007


Thank you for your prayers for the Sunday evening service. It was a great time. Tyler Reeves, from SC, and my sister Mauri sang and I preached. The most important thing is God worked. And because He worked, 12 people are now adopted into the family of God. If you are a Christian, you have 12 new brothers and sisters, and they live in Honduras. How great is our God!!!

We serve an amazing God. He has been so good to us today. Everywhere you look you can see His hand. We are doing two types of ministry this week, besides the service we are participating in and the food ministry we did yesterday afternoon before the evening service. We are doing construction work and carnival.

The construction work is finishing the electrical work for the church. Dave, Jeff, and Mike with the help of some less educated in the art of electricity finished recepticals, hung ceiling fans, and light fixtures. Several will be going back tomorrow to complete the work.

This church basically is a block building with a roof and two doors. The dogs walk in as they please, as well as wasps and any other flying bug you can imagine. But the Spirit of God is in this place and it is a sweet time of worship when He shows up. The children are everywhere, but it is all good. (You are missing the time of your life if you didn't come on this trip. I pray that you will come the next time there is an opportunity, like January hopefully. More info on that later.) When we leave these people will have lights to help them see as they worship in one of three service held during the week at night: Sunday night, Tuesday night and Thursday night. They also have a Sunday morning service. (And you think we have church to much.) They will have fans in the building to help the air circulate while they worship. What a blessing it is to be a resource for God to use, and I thank you for all you have done to help us have the money to minister in this way. May God bless you as you have blessed others.

The other ministry is geared to the children. Today we saw over 120 kids come to play with us. What a great time we had. We are sunburned, tired and sore, but we are ready to do it all over again tomorrow. You see that is the attitude a person has when they are "allowing Jesus to live all over again" through them. These people are seeing Jesus up close and personal, in the flesh. And they are seeing Him because we are here. Are they seeing Him where you are?

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless you in His work there in Honduras. Our church has been working in the southwestern part of the country for several years now myself. Look forward to seeing you in San Antonio at least according to Jason Webb.

Bryant Sims