Friday, September 10, 2010

Good morning Vietnam!

I just did something very exciting and scary all at the same time; I just sent my passport to the Embassy of Vietnam in Washington DC in application for a visa to Vietnam. I will be flying out on November 12, 2010 and will be back on the 22nd or 23rd depending on flights. I am so excited to have this opportunity. I don't want to say to much about our trip, but I can't wait to see what comes out of it. More than anything I would appreciate your prayers leading up to and during the trip and throughout the remainder of my schooling. I will be going back to Vietnam in the Fall of 2011 to do some teaching in a school there. If anyone would like to help with the financial expenses of the trip I would appreciate it. All of the expenses are out of pocket for me so if you felt led it would be a great help to me and my family. I can say that the total cost of the two trips will be about $5000.00. I believe that this will be a life changing trip for me and those I will be there with, so pray at every opportunity. God bless.

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