Monday, March 08, 2010

Awesome God!

We serve an awesome and amazing God. His hand is mighty and is still moving in our midst today. His desire to glorify himself through his people is unchanging, and I love to see him accomplish his purposes through us.

God honored himself, even in this difficult economic times, yesterday at HGBC. In February 2007 we launched phase one of our "Rebuilding the Walls" campaign. We launched this campaign because we believed then, and still do, that God wants to do something amazing in and through HGBC. Phase one was to eliminate the debt still remaining on our family life center. At that time we still owed about $254,000.00. We took pledges and began the journey to eliminate the debt as quickly as possible. I challenged the church to pay it off in 52 weeks (it took Nehemiah 52 days to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem). Although we didn't accomplish that goal we did pay it off this past week. I praise the Lord that he has blessed us so much in this area.

HGBC, I am so proud of you for keeping to the task and not stopping until we reached the goal. WAY TO GO!

Now it is time to move forward with phases 2 and 3 of our "Rebuilding the Wall" campaign. Phase 2 will be to continue giving so that we can set aside about $30,000.00 for maintenance purposes. We must be good stewards of the facilities God has blessed us with. This money will be used only for the purpose of upkeep and repairs that need to be taken care of. The building and grounds committee along with the Steward committee are preparing a list and schedule to follow.

Phase 3 in the campaign will be to raise about $300,000.00 to renovate the old sanctuary so that we can move our worship service back over there. This will allow us to use the family life center on a more consistent basis for what it was built for. I am so excited that God has done what he has done for HGBC. I am even more excited about what God is doing and the things on the horizon. Let's commit to keeping our eyes on Jesus and following to the end.

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