Thursday, September 03, 2009

Faith Comes By Hearing

This past year I was introduced to a Christian organization called Faith Comes By Hearing. This organization has an interesting ministry. They partner with Wycliffe Bible Translators and others to put the Word of God in the "heart" language of all the nations in audio format. They do this because so many of the worlds population are illiterate or are from oral based cultures. But the best thing is that they work in producing the bible in the heart language of these people. It's not that they can't speak another language, but that it means so much to the people when they hear about Jesus in the language of their birth.

HGBC is participating with Faith Comes By Hearing beginning Monday, September 14. That Monday we will begin listening to the New Testament in 40 days. We will be handing out FCBH audio versions of the NT in the KJV and NIV for adults, along with a kids version as well. All it takes to get through the whole NT in 40 days is 28 minutes a day. I have been sampling some of the work over the last few days and I love it. The listening time is made very enjoyable because it is dramatized. It's very moving to hear the Scriptures in this format, and I can say that the time flies by. I can't wait to do this with my family at home along with my church family beginning in just a few days.

I encourage you to get your audio copy of the NT and take the 40 day challenge. I believe we will all be changed as we listen to God speaking to us through his word this way. If you want to get a preview go to You can find a live stream of the entire NT there. I am also looking forward to demonstrating for you the "proclaimer" which is the device FCBH uses in the jungles, etc... to share the Scriptures with those in need of the Savior. It is solar powered and up to 300 people can listen at a time. We will be taking several love offerings in participating with FCBH. It costs $25,596.00 to produce the whole NT in a language or $948 for each book of the NT. I would love for us as a church to be able to help with at least 2 books of the NT.

I pray that as God blesses you through this time in his word that he will place within you a great desire to help with this magnificent endeavor. God bless you.

Pastor Mike

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