Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Mya Layne Madaris

Mya Layne Madaris entered this world Friday January 30, 2009 at 5:12PM. She was 20 inches long and weighed in at 7.9 pounds. Thanks for your prayers and support during this time in the life of our family. It has been a wonderful experience. Melissa and Mya are both doing well. I want to thank those in our families who were able to come down, and can't wait for the rest of you to meet Mya also. Thanks to those of you from HGBC who are helping prepare meals for us over the next few days or so. We greatly appreciate your acts of kindness and service. May God bless you. We love you.

Mike, Melissa, Morgan, and Mya


Jenny said...

Ohh, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! She is so cute!! Praise God for a healthy baby!!

Pastor Mike said...

Thanks Jenny. I pray hope things are going well in Lima. Tell John and the boys hey for us.

Life Changes said...

Hats off to you all!!!!!

I send my Congratulations!!!! to the Madaris Family......May God Bless

I will be remembering yall in my

Scotty Smith

Life Changes said...
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