Tuesday, February 08, 2011


It is amazing to see God at work any time any place.  It is more amazing to see our Heavenly Father at work where we are.  It is even more amazing to see the Lord at work our personal lives.  Each setting is more intimate than the other, but He is the same amazing Savior in each and every situation.

The Lord Jesus is at work through the Holy Spirit in the life of HGBC.  I had the privilege of baptizing those four young people I mentioned in my last post.  I am so thankful that our Heavenly Father is entrusting us with these new believers, allowing us to be the ones who helps mold them into what He wants them to be, doing what He wants them to do. 

I am so very excited about the possibilities of ministry and kingdom advancement that will come out of our Strategic Leadership Team.  We had our first meeting last night.  Sixteen leaders were there; thank you for demonstrating your heart for our church and the ministry Jesus Christ has given us as His church by coming.  We had some great conversation and teaching.  My prayer is that what we did last night lays the foundation for explosive power and momentum as we seek to do a better job of Loving God, Loving Each Other, and Serving the World.

Serving Him,
Pastor Mike